Competitive Event Categories
HOSA’s Competitive Events Program brings health careers education to life through rigorous testing of knowledge, performance, skill, and leadership capabilities aimed at developing, encouraging, and recognizing the brightest future health care professionals. HOSA’s competitive events are divided into five categories:
Eligibility for State Competitions
- Students must be affiliated and paid members to compete at the State Leadership Conference.
- Each Oregon HOSA member is eligible to compete in a maximum of three (3) Oregon HOSA Competitions
- Oregon HOSA provides the following competition opportunities in each of the categories
- Competitors may register for a maximum of three (3) events in the Health Science category.
- OR
- Competitors may register for a maximum of two (2) events in the Health Science category and one event from Health Professions, Emergency Preparedness, Leadership, and Teamwork combined.
- HOSA Bowl
- Recognition Events – Competitors may register for an unlimited number of events in this category.
Competitive Event Resources
- Competitive Event Samples
- Competitive Events General Rules and Regulations
- Competitive Events Q&A
- National HOSA Competitive Event Guidelines
- How to choose a competitive event that’s right for you!
Eligibility for National Competitions
If students qualify for more than one event for National HOSA competition, students must choose only one (1) competitive event for the International Leadership Conference, with the exception of Recognition Events. Students may compete in an unlimited number of Recognition Events at the national level.